years of experience

Our Team

Word from our CEO

Over the years, Ottawa Construction Contractors has worked hard to gained a reputation as a decent, reliable construction company in Ottawa. We strive to impact the lives of our clients, the environment, and our community. 

We are doubling our efforts in 2021 to combat the challenges of COVID-19, this is a time where our community and neighbours can count on us the most.

Together we will get through this pandemic as a community.

Oliver Johnson


Our Team is

Our friendly and experienced staff is happy to assist you with your project no matter what your budget is. We take pride in our work and dedication to excellence.

Oliver Johnson CEO
Ottawa construction contractors
Philip Johnson Lead Architect
David Pattinson Foreman
Emily Theron Engineer
Jacob Tod Engineer
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Robert Wilson Builder
Our Team

2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OTTAWA CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS – Ottawa renovation contractors. Your Ottawa Renovations Expert.